Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Big Bang's Comeback!

Big Bang’s February 24th comeback has put the entire music industry on high alert, especially for those artists who were looking to either debut or return.

Now that their comeback date has been set in stone, both rookies and top tier artists originally scheduled for a debut or comeback this March are scrambling to reschedule in order to avoid battling it out with one of the biggest returns in the industry.

A representative from an agency currently preparing a new idol group debut revealed,  “We have nothing to gain from releasing an album at the same time as Big Bang.  We’re planning to postpone their debut to sometime after March.”

Most of the debuts and comebacks were already postponed due to TVXQ’s comeback last month; the fact that the industry is being hit with another huge name so quickly is causing agency representatives to furrow their brows with exasperation.

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